Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting Ready for Another Underway

Well, my husband leaves again tomorrow for 13 days.  Last time it was for 21 days, so this is better, but still daunting.  He's been working a lot and my son barely gets to see him.  When he does he lights up and suddenly has enough energy for 3 toddlers... it's really cute.

I look at these mini-deployments as a way to prepare for the big one in March of 2012.  He will leave for 6 months at that time.  Basically Colt and I just get into a routine and I wish the time away... at least that's how I handle it now.  I am hoping it will be that "easy" when he is gone for a long time.

This is supposed to be his last deployment until March, but with the Navy things are always changing; I'm not holding my breath.  At least we have the dates he has off for Christmas.  We've already booked our flights to go back to my hometown of Tulsa, OK and even though it's months away I am really excited.

I have to admit, 13 days is not a long time.  But that doesn't make it any less lonely.  Yes, I have a wonderful son to keep me company, but at night it just feels so empty once Colt goes to bed.  Watching TV by myself and laughing out loud all alone is kind of depressing... if something is funny to me I can also imagine it being funny to Matt.

The upside to this military life is that Matt and I have garnered a deeper appreciation for one another.  It was always there, but now, with all of his absences, it is as though we are in love the way we were back in the beginning.  We cherish our time together and make sure we get everything out of it we possibly can.  Life no longer passes in the blink of an eye and we constantly have really good, deep conversations.  He's always been my best friend, but now he is better than the best to me... I do not take him or our precious time together for granted, that's for sure.

Would I like to have a normal 9 to 5 job for him that guarantees he sees Colt every day and every night?  Would I like to know when he's coming home and that I can EXPECT what a normal day would feel like?  You betcha.  But honestly, I am proud of my husband and I would not change our new lifestyle for anything.  This is us now, and it works.

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