Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Finding My Niche

Writing freelance online for moolah is NOT easy.  Especially without a degree.  I currently write in 3 separate places on the internet and it was not until I joined my latest site (Yahoo! Contributor Network) that I even saw any "real" money.

Before I found YCN I had written 48 pieces in a little under 2 months and I believe my running total was like $1.50... and I may be blowing that amount up.  The sites entice you with joining for free and telling you that you will get paid based on the amount of traffic generated to your site.  They encourage you sign up for and place ads in your writings because that is an ADDITIONAL way to make some cash....

Long story short, not a whole lot of money made.  Obviously.  Then I found YCN.  They will pay you up-front for the piece you have submitted for review - if they like it enough - AND you get paid for traffic.  Lovely.

I started off a little rocky at first.  I mean, I was submitting good articles but I wasn't getting up-front pay on all of them.  Some of my subjects were too well covered, or some of them YCN didn't feel would be a subject searched for...

Then I started submitting articles on the subjects that fascinate ME.  Things and topics I find interesting, regardless of what anyone else might think.  And BAM.  I am making money up-front for almost every article I've submitted this past 3 weeks.  And at sometimes 2 articles a day, it adds up.

What do I like to write about?  Anything labeled mysterious, paranormal or out-side-the-box... I write about aliens, UFO's, mysterious archaeological sites that may have alien connections... and every now and then I throw in a true crime article on a serial killer or infamous murder.  Really I write now on topics that people ARE interested in, they just don't know it yet.

So what I am trying to say here is that I have found my niche.  And with 60 articles in under 2 months I am slated to make over $100.... when you do the math, it's not that impressive and I realize that.  But hey, that's 100 bucks more than I had 2 months ago and (this is the most important!) I really and truly enjoy doing this.  At the end, that's all that matters :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Soooo Bored.... With a Happy Ending

As I begin writing this I realize I do not know what day of the week it is... hmmm.  I THINK it's Thursday, but maybe I could be wrong and it's Friday; which would be much better.

Just checked my phone, it's only Thursday.  Bummer.

When Matt's gone for more than a week I find that I kind of go on auto-pilot.  I do not count down the days therefore I hardly ever know what day it is... I take that back.  This time of year I seem to ALWAYS know when it's Saturday because I love me some college football.

Other than that I have been trying to fill in the time with Colt, cleaning and articles.  I've been writing and submitting about two articles a day... I don't make much off of them, but hey, it's fun, it wastes time and what little I do make goes straight into savings.

See how bored I am?  Even THIS is boring.  Let me try to shake things up a bit:

I was cooking today and using the oven, which I don't want Colt around, so I kept the back door open and let Colt just kind of play in the backyard/concrete porch sided by dirt.  I was rummaging around and really trying to nail this new recipe for Matt and I to try and all the while Colt stayed outside, away from the scary oven.

Really into cooking the recipe right I checked on my son a little too infrequently... one second he was using his broom and cleaning the backyard/porch and the next thing I know he's bringing rocks to me.  Not a big deal, he was digging through the dirt to find them and was a bit dirty, but it wasn't anything to stress out about.

Next thing I know I hear something like rain falling and I turn to look outside and see that Colt is sitting in a pile of dirt he has taken from the "garden" - he was systematically throwing handfuls of dirt up and over his head and trying to bury himself (like at the beach).

I run out there and right into two handfuls of dirt... Shaking myself off I can see that it's in his hair, all over his snotty face, arms, legs, it's in his diaper and caked on his feet.  He looks at me, smiles, and continues to plunge his chubby little arms and hands  into our "garden" to grab more dirt and throw it over his head.

Naturally, I'm really frustrated.  Do I tell him no?  He's a boy for crying out loud!  So while I stand there in dismay I realize that if Matt were here he would be cracking up.... and so I smile.

The End.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting Ready for Another Underway

Well, my husband leaves again tomorrow for 13 days.  Last time it was for 21 days, so this is better, but still daunting.  He's been working a lot and my son barely gets to see him.  When he does he lights up and suddenly has enough energy for 3 toddlers... it's really cute.

I look at these mini-deployments as a way to prepare for the big one in March of 2012.  He will leave for 6 months at that time.  Basically Colt and I just get into a routine and I wish the time away... at least that's how I handle it now.  I am hoping it will be that "easy" when he is gone for a long time.

This is supposed to be his last deployment until March, but with the Navy things are always changing; I'm not holding my breath.  At least we have the dates he has off for Christmas.  We've already booked our flights to go back to my hometown of Tulsa, OK and even though it's months away I am really excited.

I have to admit, 13 days is not a long time.  But that doesn't make it any less lonely.  Yes, I have a wonderful son to keep me company, but at night it just feels so empty once Colt goes to bed.  Watching TV by myself and laughing out loud all alone is kind of depressing... if something is funny to me I can also imagine it being funny to Matt.

The upside to this military life is that Matt and I have garnered a deeper appreciation for one another.  It was always there, but now, with all of his absences, it is as though we are in love the way we were back in the beginning.  We cherish our time together and make sure we get everything out of it we possibly can.  Life no longer passes in the blink of an eye and we constantly have really good, deep conversations.  He's always been my best friend, but now he is better than the best to me... I do not take him or our precious time together for granted, that's for sure.

Would I like to have a normal 9 to 5 job for him that guarantees he sees Colt every day and every night?  Would I like to know when he's coming home and that I can EXPECT what a normal day would feel like?  You betcha.  But honestly, I am proud of my husband and I would not change our new lifestyle for anything.  This is us now, and it works.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I have been following a particular blog for a month or so now and it has ripped my heart right out of my chest.  The other night I read the posts from start to present and I sobbed the entire time.  The blog follows a family on their harrowing journey as they discover their infant son has a very rare, agressive brain tumor.  After a surgery and many days in the hospital they are told there is nothing else they can do for the 8 month old baby; mom and dad make the decision to take their son home.  Two days later this precious little boy died.

Having an 18 month old son myself I couldn't even begin to fathom the pain these people were going through... both mom and dad wrote of the daily experiences leading up to this baby's untimely death with such elegance and grace; the love they have for their son is so evident.  Reading about his funeral, arrangements and how they are dealing with their sons loss is a very emotional experience.

Reading of their plight obviously made me think of my own beautiful son and of how lucky my husband and I are.  Happy and healthy he is a true gift from God and I vow to never take advantage of my time spent with him.  To say that we are blessed is an understatement.

If any of you are interested I will post the link to their page.  They have also set up a fund in their sons name.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Career Path?

 A few days ago I joined the Yahoo! Contributor Network.  It's a site that allows you to submit articles, creative writing pieces, etc. to be reviewed by editors and subsequently (assuming what you have written is any good) published on any one of the Yahoo! sites or on an affiliate site.  Anyways, I said what the heck and submitted a few articles, a poem and a creative writing piece; 5 writings in all.

The idea behind this is if Yahoo! likes what they have read they will offer you money up front for your piece, which you can choose to accept, and once your work has been published you also make money from the traffic generated to your site.  Sounds pretty good, right?

For kicks I submitted the writings mentioned above and waited a few days before receiving some emails telling me Yahoo! had published 3 of my works: two articles and a poem.  I have to admit, I was pretty stoked.  It's one thing to self-publish my work here and on the other website I frequent, but to have someone actually review what I've written and deem it good enough for publishing on a major website is very humbling... to say the least.

The downside to this whole experience so far is that the writings I submitted had already been "published" elsewhere and are therefore not original - hence I was not liable for any upfront payments... I will only get paid based on the traffic to these sites.

Not to be deterred (and still excited by this new venture), I set out last night to write a fresh, original article.  After a few hours of research, writing and editing I submitted my new piece.  This time I am even more nervous.  Is it good enough?  Will they like it?  And if they do want to publish it how much will they offer?

Could this be a new career path?  Honestly, I have no idea.  I would have to write many, many more read-worthy articles and build a following of sorts to truly see any real revenue generated.  In the end I guess I am still getting to do what I love... and maybe that's all that matters.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tribute to a Vietnam Vet

Today I am going to start off this writing with a poem I wrote recently in honor of a close family friend.  He served in the Army and while in Vietnam, and like countless others, experienced harrowing events and scenes that most of us today could not, would not, want to imagine.

Tribute to a Vietnam Vet

Bullets whiz around me
As I bury in this field
I see a wounded comrade
And move to act as shield

Covering his mangled body
I provide the cover fire
I see his violent injury
And try to save his life

Holding him together
I'm praying we'll be saved
Night creeps in around us
And eventually becomes day

Guns still explode around us
But I see help is on it's way
A helicopter lands nearby
An escape is to be made

Adrenalin surges through me
As I heft the man and run
Chopper's our salvation
If I get us there we're done

Every step is in slow motion
As I watch the bullets pass
We finally reach our savior
The motors start to blast

Flying out and away
I'm numb from the ordeal
That we have just survived this
Is definately surreal

My comrade he survives
Through injuries severe
I never got to know him
It would take many, many years

We "met" again at a reunion
He knew just who I was
Humbled and emotional
He embraced me in a hug

One of my best friends now
A staple in my life
Respecting what we went through
We don't mention that tough time

Because it's hard for me now
To speak of those we lost
I will not ever talk about
My time in Vietnam

Even before my husband joined the Navy I was a very patriotic person.  I love this country and am grateful to those who have, and continue to, lay their lives on the line so that we as residents may continue to live a collective life of freedom.

The people who picket against war and those fighting in them, and the disgusting individuals who ambush funerals of fallen soldiers and who clearly do not appreciate or respect the service and sacrifice of our military members, should be exiled to another, less civilized country.  I would like to see them pull that crap somewhere other than America.

On another note, Matt hasn't left on a deployment yet (he's scheduled to leave for 6 months in March 2012), but believe me, I think about the day he will leave quite a bit.  How will I handle it?  How will our son handle it?  Because I think it's pretty obvious that I'll be sad, but right now I tell myself that when the time comes I will be strong.  Even if I'm depressed while he is away I will put on a brave face and fake it until I make it.

I want to end this by sending out my love to all the families of the recently fallen Navy SEALS.  My heart breaks at their terrible loss... I cannot fathom the pain they are experiencing.  God bless to you all.

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Not Easy Being a Poet

For as long as I can remember I have attempted to write engaging, emotionally driven poetry.  You know, the kind that once it's been read the reader has to take a deep breath and say, "Wow".  Well, every time I put my pen to paper, and let my thoughts flow through in a poem, I am hoping that once it's completed I have created a "Wow" piece.

Sometimes I nail it on the first draft (and I use "sometimes" lightly).  Most of the time though I read over a poem and it's never quite good enough on that trial run.  So I edit it; almost to death.  Happy with the end result, and convinced it will illicit a deep response within the reader, I save it to my computer and file it away with the others...

Or at least that's what I used to do.  Recently I have joined a certain website where I am able to finally share my life's writings.  Because let's face it, my poems may sound good in MY mind, but who really knows if they are any good unless someone on the outside critiques them?  And that is what this website does, it allows for comments/feedback and, if one was so inclined and REALLY likes what they read, it allows a fellow writer to follow you and your written word.

After two months and 48 posts (44 of those are poems) I have acquired a small following of 41 members, lots of wonderful, ego-inflating comments and my writings have officially been read over 1500 times... Suddenly I start thinking about publishing these babies for real; like in a book.  Getting paid to do what I love?  I'm all over it.

Maybe I am WAY ahead of myself here, but I still believe in having dreams.  Lately I have been scouring the internet for information regarding the possibility of publishing my collection of poems and have found there is virtually no market for poetry.  Unless you are already big time, no one cares.

That being said, I did find many, many self-publishing agencies that would jump at the chance to publish my stuff; for a pretty penny.  I guess the moral of today is that in order to see money generated from my written pieces I am probably going to have to spend some money in the process... So until I save up enough to make my dream a reality, I would like to share one of my poems today with whoever decided to read this (thanks so much by the way!).

I wrote this particular poem for my husband.  He's in the Navy and will be leaving on a long deployment soon.  I was thinking about how I would handle the distance and this came to me.  Enjoy!  (And feel free to leave feedback...:)) 

The Stars Wish to Dispel

Without you for months
Will be very hard
But late at night
I will look to the stars

Hoping and praying
You see what I do
Are the stars burning brightly
In your eyes, too?

Does Venus glow
And shine serene?
Is she even more beautiful
When you're out at sea?

When you look at the sky
Does it glitter all the time?
Do the heavens dance
And sparkle at night?

Is the ambient light
From the moon surreal?
Does it make you sense something
You don't want to feel?

Because here's it too muted
And dark to tell
Of the radiance and light
The stars wish to dispel

Sarah Shepherd